
Cari Oneal




Twitter: @DrCariOneal

FB: facebook.com/DrCariOneal/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drcarironeal/

Dr. Cari Oneal has a PhD in Human Sexuality, is an EFT Practitioner and is certified in both Clinical Sexology and as a Professional Sex Coach.  The corner stone of her work is sexual wellness. She combines knowledge of human behavior, energy, and brain science, with psychology and pragmatic application to create a holistic approach of support and sex education for the physical, emotional, social, cultural and spiritual needs of the human body and spirit.  “When you master your inner game for sex, your outer expressions (yeah, the fun stuff) follow with ease.”

Versatile professional with project management, marketing, sales and product development experience in both manufacturing and sex-positive fields. Extremely effective absorbing, analyzing and communicating complex information to varying audiences. Creative, fun and self-motivated with easy integration into multi-disciplined environments.